Now, it's my rambling... On the way to campus, I had been regained my conciousness by seeing some sadness living of some people through the street. Firstly, the old man who sell the ice (so called 'es dong-dong'). I just imagine, pulling the cart would be very harsh thing to do in his age. Not to mention that even he'll just get a little amount of money from the sale. Secondly, I saw the old man again. Who carried heavy burden that is shored up with a stick, put on his shoulder. The stick connect to two bigs cans in each tip. Well, what are the cans fullfiled with? The old is a chip seller. Two cans chokablock chips. Don't have a hunch that it wouldn't be that heavy just because of its contents. Even so, only bringing the cans will be very hard as it made by iron. And I always see the old man carry on his life in his shoulder every night, every day, every month. He might be stop to walk when the rain come.
Ah.. It makes me realize that I don't do perform everything in my life as strength as some people do. People always do same mistake, forget the philosophy-wisdom-, complaining their life, beef about their fiasco, n the things like that. Hence, remembering this matter must be do routine. Refers to how people really easy to forget about how worth they are. How big and priceless the grace from God for us.
The last word, how people should be indeed grateful that they are exist as a HUMAN. As a HUMAN. NOT other creature. So.. just use the gift as well. Show your grateful than the grace will be all more.
“Sesungguhnya Kami telah memberikan kepadamu nikmat yang banyak.” [QS. Al-Kautsar:1]
“Dan (ingatlah juga), tatkala Tuhanmu memaklumkan; "Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmat-Ku), maka sesungguhnya azab-Ku sangat pedih." [QS. Ibrahim:7]
Alhamdulillahirobbil'alamiin.....Thank you ALLAH!!!!
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